Camp Coordinators are volunteers from within the Family Camp community who take on the responsibility of leadership and co-creation for the success of camp. Often these positions are held by Vision Team members, however, they are open to the greater community for participation and support. Becoming a coordinator is a great opportunity to stretch ourselves and make genuine contributions to our community through service. The roles of camp coordinators include:
Coordinator of Coordinators – Assists in filling all coordinator positions and to communicate to all coordinators prior to camp what their job responsibilities are.
Registrar – Responsible for sending out registration letter and forms. Tracks all participants, meal preferences, amounts paid and special requests.
Treasurer – Responsible for all financial transactions. This includes participants costs for camp, payments for location, outside services, rentals, supplies, etc. Needs to track all incoming and outgoing expenses.
Supplier – Responsible for taking inventory of all supplies post and prior to camp, and coordinating the purchasing and borrowing of items needed.
Trailer Storage/Transportation – Responsible for housing and towing the community trailer to haul all supplies to camp.
Kitchen Cougar – Source for all communications, questions, and specific requests relating to the kitchen and meals. Direct liaison to camp cook and kitchen crew. Is responsible to communicate to camp participants that all related communications go directly through him/her.
Catering – Responsible for coordinating menus and shopping lists with cook prior to camp.
Service/Job Board – Responsible for setting up the job board and assuring completion of jobs throughout each day. Prints out job list and stickers prior to coming to camp.
Adult Activities – Responsible for setting up adult activity description and sign up sheet and announce daily all adult activities and scheduled times. Enrolls campers in coming to camp prepared with community activities.
Children’s Activities – Responsible for setting up children’s activity description and sign up sheet and announce daily all children’s activities and scheduled times. Enrolls campers in coming to camp prepared with youth activities. Takes inventory of children’s supplies prior to camp and supplement where needed. A reasonable budget for additional activity supplies is available in the Family Camp account. Responsible for setting up children’s area on set up day and dismantling and putting away all supplies on the last day.
Children’s Play – Responsible for enrolling, inspiring, facilitating and directing the kid’s play. Responsible for scheduling and facilitating all rehearsals and coordinating performance.
Talent Night/Skit Night – Responsible for coordinating and MCing the talent show.
Lifeguard – Responsible for pool safety, scheduling of swimming and free water playtime and all lifeguard duties. Pool safety monitor MUST be lifeguard certified and current with all water safety certification, including CPR.
Healing Center – Responsible for setting up and maintaining healing center. Requires taking inventory of healing center supplies prior to camp including sheets, massage oils, tables, etc. If additional supplies are needed, healing center coordinator is responsible for borrowing or purchasing needed items.
First Aid – Responsible for taking inventory of all emergency first aid supplies prior to camp and make sure all missing supplies are purchased or borrowed. Needs to be on call for administering minor emergency first aid.
Welcoming – Responsible for creating a celebratory and welcoming atmosphere on the first day of camp for all arriving campers. Sets up Family Camp banner, welcoming drumming circle, and any other creative surprises that will delight and ignite our camp community.
Opening Circle – Responsible for creating an opening gathering designed to welcome back old campers and introduce new campers into the community and set the tone for the magical week ahead.
Closing Circle – Responsible for creating a completion gathering designed to leave campers filled with the remembrances of the transformative week they just experienced.
Camp Vibe – Responsible for transforming the kitchen area into a place of nurturing beauty and celebration by decorating and covering florescent lights. Preparations for materials will need to be made prior to camp.
Trash/Recycling/Composting – Responsible for facilitating and maintaining trash, recycling and composting program while at camp. Actual dumping of trash, recycling and composting is one of the daily jobs. This coordinator is the go to person when questions or problems arise with the recycling program.
I slept and dreamt that life was all joy, I awoke and understood life was but service, I served and realized service is joy.
—Rabindranath Tagore