Vision Team
Family Camp is led by the Vision Team. The leader of the Vision Team is named the “Source”. The Source concentrates on culture and sets the tone for how we show up and who we want to be as we ramp up each year in our preparations for camp. The incoming, outgoing, and current Sources lead the vision team as a triad. Usually, the team is made up of between 15-25 people. This self appointed body of community members serve as the collective voice for the entirety of the camp and facilitate the special needs and requests of all campers. Many team members volunteer as sub-leaders, focusing on food, budget, supplies, etc. The rest of camp is co-created day by day and in the moment by all who attend camp. One of our tenants is that “There are no Passengers…Only Crew.
The Vision Team is by no means a governing body, but rather serves to hold the space for the overall success of the camp by encouraging and supporting clear communication and transparency. They meet monthly and communicate extensively via ZOOM and Google Drive and are responsible for ensuring that all logistics fall into place.
Find out about joining the team!
There can be no vulnerability without risk; there can be no community without vulnerability; there can be no peace, and ultimately no life, without community.
— M. Scott Peck